We all love spending quality time with our pets on a hot summer’s day. However, we need to stay vigilant in summer, as the warmer weather can expose our pets to several dangers.

One of these dangers is heatstroke. Heatstroke, or hyperthermia, occurs when your pets body temperature rises rapidly. It is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate treatment.

Several activities can cause heatstroke in your pet, some of these include:

  • Being left in a hot car,
  • Being left outdoors during extreme heat,
  • Not having enough shade and water when outdoors,
  • Or exercising in hot weather.

It is important to know the signs of heatstroke even if you avoid all the above.
Your pet may show some, or all of the below:

  • Excessive panting.
  • Restlessness
  • Drooling excessively.
  • Becoming unstable on their feet.
  • Their gums turning a bluish-purple or bright red colour.

If your pet is showing any of the above symptoms, you must take them to a vet. Make sure to cool your pet while you are on your way to us. The most effective way to cool your pet is by using a fan or air-conditioning. You can also use damp towel or a spray bottle filled with water to cool them lightly.

It is important not to submerge your pet in ice-cold water. This could be detrimental to their recovery.

If you think your pet is suffering heatstroke, or you want to know more about how to prevent it, call our team today!