Diagnostic Imaging
Should a health indication warrant further investigation vets often will want to internally examine your pet earlier as soon as possible for a faster diagnosis and commencement of treatment. While sometimes surgery is needed to investigate a pet’s issues, the first line of investigation is usually scans: x-ray, ultrasound and CT.
We have ultrasound and x-raying equipment on site. This reduces delay in starting treatment and no added stress for your pet with having to be moved to another practise.
X-rays for pets are the same as for humans, but just the right size for cats and dogs. Radiography is the most common form of imaging used in a vets practice. X-Rays are used to examine the skeleton and other internal organs.
Ultrasound, CT Scans & MRI
The next most popular imaging machine is the ultra-sound. It is the same as the ultra-sounds that you are familiar with for human diagnostics. These use sound waves help create images so vets can get internal information in a non-invasive way.
CT Scans show the different densities of tissue and create a more detailed image than an X-ray. Cats and dogs will not lay still in a CAT scan machine, so they will have to be sedated for this too.
MRI’s use magnetic fields to create images; which the vet will use to diagnose issues or potential problems that your cat or dog might have. Pet owners and Vets prefer not to use the costly MRI machines because cats and dogs would have to be sedated, where possible X-Rays are preferred.
When is imaging needed?
Your vet will gather information during a standard examination. Vets will use imaging to determine certain problems; such as blockages or tumours. The information gained during the imaging process will determine which steps to take and a plan will be formulated for further care.